Monday, January 31, 2011

What do you find when you search 'dude'?

These adorable little guys.
The artists and photographer get credit for these. I found them on DeviantArt.
The links to the artist's pages:
For the Green Guy:
For the Kitten:

What do you find when you search 'punk'?

Oh, that's right... A KITTY!
And an adorable one, at that. Don't you wish it were yours?
Your not alone! I do, too.

Hiya, Blogarians :]

This is my post where I shall introduce myself to the world of Blogger :D

To start off, my name's Henley. I'm a female and I'm only 13, so expect some dorky comments and most stuff I post to be random.
I dedicate half my life to listening to music, a fourth of it to reading books, and the rest on my computer. Oh, and don't forget drawing. It's an obsession of mine ^___^ But I don't think I have any real talent. But who cares, I'll probably post pictures of my crappy doodles on here anyway xP
And writing! Stories, poems. I do everything! Ha-HA! :3
Yeah, just kidding....

Some types of posts to expect from me:

-Conversations between me and someone else that I find funny, but doubt anyone else will P:
-My song of the day/week/month and so on.
-Bands of the day/week/month/year and such.
 ~Just expect music related posts :]
-Funny pictures I find. Like a punk-kitty I found on google :D
-Rants about random crap. Most will probably be related to candy, or unfair parenting.
-Oh, my dear candy... You'll probably find a lot of that ;]

I don't really expect a lot of people to follow me. I just needed a note pad to put all my stupidity on ;O

Bonjour, Random Person :D